HomeoPet Skin and Itch is a natural water-based formulation for treating various seasonal and skin allergies in dogs and cats. Pets face multiple skin conditions due to season change or allergens. HomeoPet Skin and Itch remedy helps in treating the allergies and improves their skin condition. It not only aids externally but also works externally for enhancing the skin and coat sheen and texture. The natural remedy reduces itching, rashes, chewing, gnawing, hair loss, biting and skin irritation in dogs and cats. The preventive measure helps in controlling allergic conditions due to pollen, grass and house dust allergens. It prevents conditions due to airborne allergies and seasonal allergies. Homeopathic treatment is always safe and any species of dogs and cats as well as completely reliable for various skin conditions.
HomeoPet Skin and Itch is an ideal skin treatment. The oral solution contains major natural ingredients such as Pulex Irritans, Rhus Toxicodendron, Urtica, Graphites, Staphysagria, Sulphur, and USP Alcohol in Purified Water. The various ingredients work against various skin problems and help in healing the conditions. The natural remedy treats pet’s symptoms like constant scratching, biting, licking, chewing and gnawing. It aids in faster healing and prevents further damage of skin in dogs and cats.
Pulex Irritans, Rhus Toxicodendron, Urtica, Graphites, Staphysagria, Sulphur, USP Alcohol in Purified Water
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The Skin and Itch Refief was really helpful in subsiding skin itching.
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Skin and Itch Relief is very helpful for canines with skin isssues.
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It is a very nice treatment to help subside skin itching.
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I'm happy with its results
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Awesome refief against skin issues.
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